Monday, April 23, 2012

Get Ready, It's A New Day

"Greetings and salutations!", said Jason Dean. "Are you a Heather?"

Salutations - a gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledging of another's arrival, or departure. Salutations, indeed. My name is Sai, and I welcome you to the freshest blog to date.

To me, music is a universal language. Anywhere you go, the passion for it is brewing. For as long as I can remember, my iTunes library has been the one thing I've always been proud of. There's nothing I find priceless joy in as exciting as finding the perfect song to match your mood, or the perfect beat to dance to. It's a lovely feeling, don't you agree? 

As a proud Filipino, and an avid music enthusiast, spreading good music taste around is important to me. I'm eternally surrounded by different individuals with distinct personalities, and it's interesting to see the various music tastes everyone has - that's one reason as to why my taste in music is so diverse. Although, I have, indeed, met a couple of people that've allowed themselves to succumb into trending topics and Top 40 Billboard Charts, that they often overlook potential talent. It's always great to discover something new, some people just choose not to. People complain about how it's hard to find good music these days, and how everything is either too overplayed or too mainstream. My job here is to change that - I'll spread the word, and show my everlasting passion for music. 

With that being said, Mousa will provide our listeners music that'll satisfy unique individuals, here and there, whatever your preferred music taste may be. Variation is quintessential, and could be pretty fun - it's your friend.

On behalf of the Mousa team, we humbly welcome you here - a blog driven by audiophiles, for audiophiles. Here are a few tracks to get you started. I guarantee that our editors will show you a good time in between those headphones.

To kickstart this blog, here are five tracks that are currently on repeat in my head.

But for now, I shall send you my salutations.